Click the map two or more times to create polylines. The marker wil snap to the polyline at all times.

*   Snap marker to closest point on a line.
*   Based on Distance to line example by 
*	Marcelo, - 
*   Then 
*	@ work of Björn Brala - Swis BV who wrapped the algorithm in a class operating on GMap Objects
*   And now 
*	Bill Chadwick who factored the basic algorithm out of the class (removing much intermediate storage of results)
*   	and added distance along line to nearest point calculation
*   Usage:
*   Create the class
*       var oSnap = new cSnapToRoute();
*   Initialize the subjects
*       oSnap.init(oMap, oMarker, oPolyline);
*   If needed change the marker or polyline subjects. use null when no update
*       Change Both:
*           oSnap.updateTargets(oMarker, oPolyline); 
*       Change marker:
*           oSnap.updateTargets(oMarker, null); 
*       Change polyline:
*           oSnap.updateTargets(null, oPolyline); 

Click the map two or more times to create polylines. The marker wil snap to the polyline at all times.